Sunday, April 6, 2008

Large Plastic Fish Tanks

Luxury Classifieds

Luxury Classifieds

Classifieds constantly attracts investors who We offer exclusive designs they want to have. What counts is a very convenient location, superior finish and additional facilities for residents.

terms of offers high-end chasing Warsaw Wrocław - you can find a number of interesting proposals, which are not A real treat for investors. Apartments in Poland has not yet reached the level of European prices, but do not have to be ashamed of the level of performance from its Western counterparts. Developers make every effort to ensure that their exclusive designs have met the requirements of the most demanding of clients, both in terms of utility and aesthetics. Dominate offers in locations where the beauty of nature in harmony with the adjacent residential buildings, and access to the center is not a problem.
why it is on the right by the parks Biskupin reaching the Oder River backwaters located Dabie Residences project. The building housing 54 apartments and maisonettes and fitness room with sauna, gym and jacuzzi, just a few steps to find a zoo or Szczytnicki Park Japanese Garden. All the apartments of the area. from 45 sqm. to 160 sqm. will have air conditioning, installation of the assembly of the fireplace and terraces overlooking the specially designed perennial garden, stretching to the borders of the park. Housing will have a swimming pool and playground. Also on the Oder Euro House placed the company to its new investment, "Measles House." It is a modern nine-storey building, covered with a green roof with lush vegetation. Terraces with glass and stainless steel and perforated aluminum sheet suitable block of lightness and modernity, the "Odra House will have 180 apartments with an area. to 29.02 sqm. to 128.19 sqm., garage, fitness room, utility room and the Front Desk. Monitored building stands out among the other apartment to low energy consumption, which guarantees Energy Certificate for building CLASS "B". Above
Oława just 10 minutes walk from the Angel Wings complex was located, the company realized investment Wings Development. It provided more than 1,200 apartments. Potential purchasers will be offered four options for interior design - developer and three special standards (silver, gold and platinum). In addition to monitoring, cichobieżnych elevators and air conditioning project offers an excellent recreational and sports facilities: swimming pool, a spa and fitness center. Highlights will be coming up to 200 sqm. green terraces, loggias and bays. Visual impression of diversity to cascade towards the buildings falling Oława.
Retail Offering Investor Stellar Development is an exclusive project " Grabiszyńskie Gardens" in the southern part of the city, about 4 km from the Market Square. The apartment complex Residential and is located in a green embrace Grabiszyński Park. Modern architecture combines the simplicity of the estate with the elegance - the three 6-storey buildings coming down to 4 cascade floor, with apartments on the top floors (each with 46 sqm. terrace) and one 8-storey building-tration of 6 suites and service shops on the ground floor. In all buildings is a multiple user underground parking. In Wroclaw
Krzyki created modern housing estates like mushrooms after rain. Developer attracts very good communication, proximity to downtown and excellent infrastructure and social services. Atal's latest project is the construction of the apartment complex "Green Etude." complex consists of nine elegant 4-storey villas, which are spacious, two-, three-and four-room apartments from 51 sqm powerzchni. to 112 sqm. with balconies and terraces . The suites are mounted fireplace installation and air conditioning. The estate was designed concierge, monitored children's playground and a recreation center (fitness club with sauna, coffee shop, two swimming pools and a Jacuzzi).

More information: apartamenly


Famossas Mexicanas Follando

When a foreigner wants to buy a house in Poland (March 2008)

When a foreigner Poland wants to buy a house (March 2008)

Dorothy Gajos 25-03-2008, last updated: 25-03-2008 13:31

property for a foreigner. Citizens of other countries willing to buy at our apartments, houses and land. After our accession to the EU can do it on more liberal terms. But not everyone will buy from us without permission and not every property.

General rule is that the acquisition of ownership or usufruct of real estate in Poland, the alien must have the consent of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration. With the acquisition of the concept must be understood not only purchasing, but also a gift, inheritance, substitution.

provisions of the Act on the acquisition of property by foreigners including foreigners consider individuals who do not have Polish citizenship. Foreigner will therefore be a person who has in the past had Polish citizenship, but for some reason it lost or renounced Polish citizenship, even under duress. Someone who is also a Polish citizen and another country is not regarded as a foreigner. However, a stateless person, a person who is not a citizen of any country, is considered a foreigner and if he wants to buy property in Poland, he should apply for permission Ministry.

not allow the permit rule, however, are numerous exceptions. There must not be present for a foreigner who wants to buy a standalone dwelling or space for garage (also involved in such premises). Will exempt a foreign national who has lived in Poland for at least five years from the time he got permission to settle. For spouses of Polish citizens required period of residence on the basis of this authorization is only two years, but bought the property must go to their common property.

act on the purchase of property by foreigners is not applicable to the acquisition of property through inheritance by persons entitled to statutory succession. Therefore, the authorization will not be necessary, when a foreigner buys property (eg by way of donation) per person, after which, and so it would have been entitled to inherit as a legal heir. However, in this case, the vendor must be the owner or perpetual user of real property for at least five years. This is important eg for grandchildren who have foreign citizenship, and the grandparents want to give them a house in Poland.

There is, however, the unenviable situation of an alien who property recorded in his will, and it is not yet legal heir. First of all, must, within two years from the date of opening of the estate to apply for a permit. If you do not get - the right of property ownership or right to acquire a perpetual people who would be called upon to drop the act.

controlled by an alien association, foundation or a commercial company and has no legal personality established in the RP can be purchased without the authorization of its statutory objectives open land, where the total area in the whole country does not exceed 0.4 ha in area towns.

described the exemption from the authorization (specifically listed in the Article. Paragraph 8. A law on real estate acquisition by foreigners) shall not apply to properties located in the border zone and agricultural land with an area exceeding 1 ha.

easier next year

almost free of real estate can be acquired by citizens and businesses of the European Economic Area (EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). The only limitations are associated with the acquisition of so-called. the second house and agricultural land and forests.

What is a concept of "second home"? The Act recognizes that the property is zoned for residential development or recreational purposes, in which the alien does not intend to settle permanently. Does not apply to an individual dwelling unit. These can be purchased without restriction.

- There is no doubt that as so. The second house should always be considered open land, and - in principle - leisure and recreation, as unfit for permanent residence. The plot of the ruins of the house will also be considered as a second home - Violet Idaszak explains, Head of the Department for Permission to Purchase of property, stocks and shares and the Registry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.

problem may arise in the case of buildings and single-family home, town house or other residential building, such as manor. Then the estate decides to classify the alien will .- But the same statement that he wants to live there permanently, there will be sufficient - Idaszak Viola says.

- To a prima facie case, the alien must provide evidence that it is legalized to stay in Poland and conduct check-in building living on the property for permanent residence.

requirement to obtain authorization to purchase a second home will, however, lasted only until 1 May 2009, and now does not apply to the EEA Member State nationals who legally and continuously residing in Poland for at least four years or acquire a second home in order to carry out its economic activity is the provision of tourism services (eg hotel management, guest house, camp site).

longer transition period was provided for the acquisition of EEA nationals, agricultural land and forests. Without permission will be able to do so until after 1 May 2016

But this restriction does not cover all cases. The permit is now needed if agricultural property is located in the regions of Lower Silesia, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie, Pomorskie, Warmia and Mazury, Wielkopolska, West, and leases it to an alien for seven years and in person throughout the period leading business there agricultural and legally residing in the Polish territory. Three years of legal residence lease and enough to purchase agricultural land in the regions of Lublin, Lodz, Malopolskie, Mazowieckie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie.

necessary relationships with the country

All other cases require the authorization of the acquisition of the Minister of Interior and Administration.

But get them except this foreigner who shows relationships with the Polish.

What are the relationships with the Polish and how do they prove? This may be having Polish nationality or Polish origin, marriage to a Polish citizen or an authorization for temporary residence or establishment in our country. Circumstances supporting ties with the Polish membership also on the board of the company, based in Poland, which is controlled directly or indirectly by individuals do not have Polish citizenship or legal persons domiciled abroad. Compounds with the Polish people are also carrying out a business here, or farming. In any event, the same employment in Poland or here to take the science may be inadequate.

problems can have people who rely on the Polish nationality or origin, and not have it any documents, such as his birth, parents or grandparents. Then an alien should apply to the voivod competent for the place of residence, and if you do not know where ancestors lived - to the Governor of Mazowieckie. Determining in this way with the Polish union may take up to one year.

better to do it, before making a decision about buying a specific property and apply for a permit. Also because it may be that the applicant is a Polish citizen and does not need permission.

Briefcase full of documents

An application always refers to the acquisition of a particular property - one or more. If there are at least 15, the application shall be accompanied by a list of them.

proposal itself can be written by hand. In addition to the applicant should include:
> designation of the property, namely its location, registration number, area, no land register,
> determine the legal form of acquisition - such as whether it is a purchase, gift or inheritance,
> information about the acquisition - such as rent, for sale, to live, to do business,
> information about the possibilities of acquisition - in the case of inheritance and gift - a will and a contract that requires a contract of donation.

worth noting that the provisions are limited to 0.5 ha area of \u200b\u200bproperty that are acquired to meet the necessities of life. In the case of business space should correspond to real needs and character of this activity. Someone who wants to lead consulting firm, can not argue that he needs it dwuhektarowa plot.

The application must be accompanied by copies of documents such as:
> card, passport, and if someone runs a business, it is an extract from the register of economic
> copy of the real estate,
> extract from the land register and dimensioned drawing of the cadastral map,
> extract from the zoning plan or the study (the last three points do not relate to the acquisition of property which is separate property),
> vendor's statement that is willing to sell the property, or preliminary agreement signed between the vendor and purchaser.

Copies of documents must be certified as true copies, and obcojęzyczne - translated by a sworn translator. Documents relating to property should be issued not earlier than six months before the application.

Do not forget to enclose proof of payment of stamp duty, which is 1570 zł. Without it, the request will be returned without consideration. The fee is non-refundable if not to authorize, but only at the request of the page.

Foreigners often set up in Poland, agents who handled by on their behalf all administrative matters. For such a power of attorney is paid an additional 17 zł.

Patience, foreigner

Proceedings of the licensing should not take more than two months, but in practice they have to wait an average of three months.

- I do not usually get a set of necessary documents, so we call this page to complete them, and it takes - Idaszak Viola says. - Besides, we have an obligation to consult each application with the Minister of National Defence, in the case of agricultural land - with the minister of agriculture and rural development. Time, which is so needed, not included in these two months.

permit is valid for two years. Year of less importance is called. promise, a promise to issue the permit. Usually trying to get her foreigners, who want to buy property in the tender. Promise sets out the conditions under which the alien may apply for a permit.

Minister does not issue a permit if it finds no links with the Polish or the applicant considers that the acquisition of property by a foreigner could jeopardize the defense, state security or public order or contravene to considerations of social policy and public health. There is no obligation to justify its decision if the reasoning could threaten the security or national security. The reason for refusal can also be applicant's failure to respond to the call to complete and exceeded the limit area of \u200b\u200bthe property. The Minister may also issue permits when any of the organs of opinion relating to - ie, Minister of National Defence and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - an objection.

If an alien is entitled to refuse a request to the Minister for reconsideration and then appeal to the administrative court. According

Wioletta Idaszak restrictions on real estate acquisition by foreigners is dictated by the security state and its economic and social interests. Therefore, they are all monitored transactions involving foreigners. Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration keeps a record of the property acquired, or by nationals of other countries without permission and under license. Send data to the registry, notaries and the courts. If it were shown that a foreigner has acquired the property in violation of the Act, this act is null and void under the law.

permit applications are accepted at the Office of Podawczym Ministry of Interior and Administration ul. Rakowiecka 2a. They can also be sent by post. Details are given on the website of Ministry of Interior:

Opinion: Paul Bruno, a legal adviser from Krakow

- Foreigners without Polish citizenship must be patient if they want to purchase so-called in the old country. second home. The requirement to obtain authorization to purchase the property will be exempt only if they confirm the nationality or Polish origin, or special relationship with the Polish. For this purpose, for example, can produce a birth certificate of one parent of Polish nationality in conjunction with its own birth certificate, certificate from the foreign office in exile, and even book a military parent, provider, that he fought in the Polish armed forces. People who do not have such documents should be prepared for a long (sometimes over one year) and tedious to collect evidence in Polish archives and offices, including the IPN. This often negates the chance to purchase real estate upatrzonej, because no vendor is not willing enough to wait. In addition, there is no guarantee that it will be found any documents. In case of failure in search of Polish roots remain, for example, buying an apartment or guesthouse. The latter approach, however, only applies to citizens of the European Economic Area - without permission, they can buy a second home if you intend there to do business involving the provision of tourist services
. Under this principle, there is no legal obstacle to some time after the transaction change plans. =

Women And Hasbend In Girdles

Wroclaw Property End ? s = artykul_pokaz & id = 123 mieszkanie na kilka sposobów

Director of the Wroclaw branch of estate agent Emmerson - Darek Konieczny - Asked about the pros and cons of investing in primary and secondary markets, and here is what you would expect housing prices in the coming months.

What are the current prices of flats?
minimum price on the primary market starts at around 5000 zł per meter, and ends in the vicinity of 15,000 zł per meter, while the average prices range from 6.5 to 8000 zł. The minimum on the secondary market with prices starting at nearly 5000, and ending up at 20 thousand per square meter in the best locations in the city center. Prices of housing both in the primary market and secondary markets are very diverse. Between the price of good central location and the price of housing in the periphery can have even a few thousand zł difference per square meter. It also follows from the difference in the calculation of the price on the primary and secondary market.

What is the difference
In the primary market to get a flat finish, and developers often add on additional amounts for the garage, patio, balcony or garden cell. The secondary market prices are used as a whole, unless this happens, the garage was a separate property, and you can buy it or not, but in most cases is assigned to a garage apartment. Price per square meter on the secondary market due to the total cost divided by the living area apartment, and additional issues such terrace, garage and quality finishes are already in it included, because the dispersion of prices in the secondary market is much larger. Sometimes the amount of this money can be confusing, because if we have on offer at the office apartment very well finished with high quality materials, with a large terrace, equipped and ready to put out a price per meter of the flat can go high, but compared with any other offer amount all this investment is not higher. In my opinion, in the future, it is the secondary market will generate higher prices, because most homes near the center in good locations can only be a secondary market. Amount of land near the center is very limited and therefore, in my opinion, in the longer term it will be raining here for top prices. Apartments in the center, renovated buildings will achieve higher prices than other flats in the secondary market.

is hard to believe if it goes beyond the market and look at the old, dilapidated buildings, which are still living in very poor condition, often with toilets in the corridors ...
for some time, you can extract the old houses, which, after renovation, will achieve the highest prices, as it happens around the world, but I think that then you will have to wait about 10 years. Similar changes have been observed in Warsaw, where I lived before coming to Wroclaw. There, over 57 years the increase in prices in the city center led to the fact that in those places that were less popular, more neglected, like for example the center of the city of Wroclaw, private investors bought all the houses, suggesting the people who lived there, the money or new apartments situated farther from the center. This meant that in a few years changed the nature of some, previously neglected places. Dwellings after the war, were divided into 5, 6 smaller ones, again combined into larger, more spacious. This is certainly an idea to invest the money in.

But these are ideas that can be heard for years, and the old districts, such as the famous Bermuda Triangle, the area of \u200b\u200bthe station Nadodrze look like they looked. Why?
interest of potential investors is high, particularly the Irish, Spaniards, Portuguese. Wroclaw is the city but especially in the sense that it has a lot of public housing. Warsaw has long since got rid of all municipal buildings, which could get rid of, offering the opportunity to buy them at the minimum. Such a good example of the capital's district of spindle, which was built for mill workers. Tenants of apartments there sold for 10 percent. The municipality gave up even with the grace period, so owners could Novice immediately after the buy sell these flats on. Many people took advantage of this opportunity, because it was a typical housing estate. Wroclaw is a matter of ingenuity authorities, the appropriate legal solutions, prices and competition. The city council can not just renew the old tenement houses, will need help from investors. If the person does not afford an apartment in an old building and setting out the money for its renovation, will be able to get adequate money and buy a flat for them somewhere else and something else with it that is, it will work right the market, as everywhere else. If the city can afford to build settlements, which can be transferred to the tenants komunalni ruined buildings, it will be able to control the sale. Previous actions of Wroclaw, at least on the outside, they give an effect. Wroclaw is one of the most popular cities in Poland, which continues to grow, attracting new investors.

the flats which are currently most in demand?
most desirable apartments are 2-3-bedroom with an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 60-70 square meters, the prices certainly are not 15,000 per square meter (although these too have their clientele), but these not exceeding 6 000 zł per meter. Lack of development plans means that if the investors will acquire some areas, such as auctions, where prices reach astronomical sums, it is more profitable to build a luxury building and take up a lot of flats to be sold. The market lacks good deals - money that is appropriate for the relevant commodity. They are flat, the price of which is apparent from the wishes of the seller, because I heard that somewhere someone has reached the price of similar flats, but these flats both for investment and because of the location is usually not meet the expectations of buyers. This is often a matter of time staying on the market offers. If someone comes up with an absurd price, and will not be interested in this offer, a holder will depend on the sale, it will lower the price. When the market appears to be interesting living in a good price, the time the sale is short. The demand on the secondary market is comparable to the demand in the primary market. For some people it is not important, the market will buy the apartment, just for example, whether it will be able to immediately fill it. In the primary market have to take a loan for an apartment that has not yet no, but how is the first foreign visitors to pay the rent something else. Those who come to Wroclaw for some time and found themselves in a foreign environment, are not necessarily interested in whether dopilnowywaniem finish completing the formalities.

someone who dictates the prices? Primary market to secondary or vice versa?
In most cases, the prices have the greatest impact on the primary market, because here are donated new homes, and depending on how much is it in the market, this translates into other prices. Today number of dwellings built is far too small relative to needs, so the best ones, preferably located are sold during construction or before the commencement of any construction. The downside of this situation is that we do not have the end of certainty what it will be too flat, which it will be a developer, how it will be built. This involves some risk, although certainly less than 10 years ago. On the secondary market risk is lower because of interest to us, we can see the apartment before buying, we can see how the community works, what is the neighborhood, who manages the property, and the primary market is more unknowns. The primary market has not kept pace with the needs of the population not only in Wroclaw, Poland, but throughout, it involves mainly the lack of spatial plans, so if you want to now buy an apartment in a good location, well located, with good distribution, in principle, plans to buy dwelling. What

property from the primary market as soon as they return to the secondary market?
the one hand, part of the estate total returns before the occupation, because there are people who only buy investments. Price for which the developer sells the apartment at the end of the construction is different from that which had the first buyer. In addition, the first flats are generally better location in the building, so it can be even more expensive than homes that have been in the developer, because they are attractive. On the other hand, the market quickly lower back flat, usually two-bedroom, 40-foot-50, which first bought young people starting work, but usually after several years, they come to the secondary market, because the former owners looking to improve the conditions and buy more. If you do not look at it purely for investments, from my point of view, again, is these homes are most attractive to live in, because it can be found in new buildings, but on the other hand, someone has lived in them and had time come to light any possible defects in these apartments, if there were. The building has already formed a community, the neighbors to know each other, because of these dwellings is known by more than buying the plans.

What is your forecast for Wroclaw in the coming years?
in the near future most likely is further stabilized prices, which will choose among the available jobs. Increasingly, we will be able to buy apartments built, rather than plans. Most would help create new development plans, especially on the outskirts, where there are still many places where you can build. On the other hand, investment in the center are less risky because these apartments will surely not lose its value. What happened in that year in Wroclaw, it is difficult to call the normal situation, prices increased on average by 70-80 percent in that time, investment in anything was a good investment. At this time, the prices slowed down, because Classifieds equaled already in Warsaw and Krakow prices. Of course, in the long term, property prices will continue to grow, but slowly, up 10-15 percent over the year. That's what happened in Wroclaw, certainly will not happen again, but a similar situation could happen in other cities. Limit further price increase is primarily due to our earnings. Thinking of investment capital, typically, the more you can earn on land plots for detached houses on the outskirts and in the vicinity of Wrocław, because at this time, housing prices in the center are so high that instead of trzypokojowego apartment in the center can have house later in the location or the city, because some people will prefer to choose a house, especially since society is increasingly mobile.

Interviewed by Anna Andrusyszyn-Wojtasik
(Market Lower Silesia in March 2007)

Will 4 Panadol Kill You

crazy price increases on

2008-01-02 11:32:03

Home -> Finance -> News

All indications are that after two years of crazy growth, housing prices have finally lived to see a stabilization or even small discounts. Projections indicate that in 2008 will continue the recently initiated a trend decline in house prices - particularly in the secondary market. Had we waited at the end of a breakthrough in a frenzy of housing prices?

Over the last three months there have been first for a long time drops in house prices - today announced TVN24 service. Minor cuts so far primarily in the secondary market and the housing of a lower standard, that is, mainly those from the 50s in blocks of concrete slabs. There are signs that the downward trend will strengthen in the current year. The reason? Increasing recently at a dizzying rate prices have already reached such a level that they themselves contributed to the decline in demand for purchase of flats. This does not mean, however, that just started year avalanche will sometimes drop in prices - expected to be rather explicit stability, resulting in in some cases slight discount. Important seems to be the message itself, however, that the experts foretell the imminent end of the price madness in real estate. That is the conclusions drawn from the recent report on the real estate market, prepared by the Expander and service

What and why it happens?

not expect a revolution or dramatic price reductions. It is still too early. But we can count on the minor price declines in some segments of the real estate market. Above all, can cheapen Lodging a lower standard, especially the old and neglected. On the flats lose value from the 50s and those located in the housing projects of large slabs - gives TVN24. So if there will be slight declines, it will cover primarily the secondary property market. Contrary to appearances, this information is not as obvious as it might seem - being the last two years the price boom is not avoided the premises, which by its standard clearly diverged from a decent average real estate market. Upcoming prices cause sedation is, however, that in order to increase the attractiveness of such facilities, you may need be necessary to discount their prices.

price reductions may also occur where the money has so far clearly exceeded the average for the city, and in addition, where visible is a large supply of new flats, or simply - in the districts where it is hard to build out new settlements.

drożeć What stops ....

surely awaits us crazy end of rising prices - housing simply can no longer be more expensive than they are at the moment, because it is beyond the capabilities of most Poles. The end of the price madness does not bode but - unfortunately - a rapid drop in prices for rent. The good news is that rents should be clearly calm down and settle. A bit worse - especially for students-information is the one that does not cause an early drop in prices for rent. One of the reasons for this is that housing prices are currently so high that, paradoxically, many Poles is more profitable to rent than to pay the loan installment for the apartment. Parking is thus still an attractive (because often the only) alternative to borrowing to buy their own homes.

... And what about traveling?

stabilization in house prices is, however, his worse side - to match the cost of purchasing your own "m" may make some places get more expensive, tapping into the current level. Become more expensive primarily those premises that against the current prices, remained still relatively attractive purchase price. This will happen due to the transfer of demand from neighborhoods too expensive for the slightly cheaper, yet still remaining within reach of buyers. And that, according to the golden rule of economics more promotes the growth of demand pricing, even in the relatively less expensive neighborhoods will come at the end of the price boom. Prices may rise, however, provided that the dwelling located in a far less expensive neighborhoods, will not significantly deviate from the expectations of customers and applicable standards. These projections relate primarily to the largest cities and agglomerations in Poland. What seems to be comforting, however - even if in some cases there will be price increases, it will be a relatively small increase, and thus far galloping costs, even symbolic.

The customer pays so requires.

With TVN 24 cited by the report, shows a particularly interesting conclusion: the expectations of customers are starting to have an impact on property prices. Because housing prices are already very high, one of their regulators have become customers' expectations. Given that we decide to have the loan and the huge opportunities in the Polish-scale expenditure, we want to get the highest possible standard. Hopefully over time this trend will also apply to the rental prices, predicting the end times in which students are hired for the crazy amounts of money (as is commonly longer speak) "lockers brush."

Hank Aaron's Speeches

Erticles polish property


Poles can not afford to repay loans for housing

Currently, housing prices in Poland are so high as to buy them can afford only persons above-average earners. Thousands of Americans today can not afford to repay mortgages. Soon a similar spiral of debt may fall Poles - warns, "Journal."
According to the newspaper, "in Warsaw and Krakow, housing prices are already so high that the purchase could afford only those earning above average. No wonder - the average price per square meter in the newly built premises here than 8 thousand zł. The amount of average loans is coming here to 400 thousand. zł, and monthly payments exceed two thousand. zł [...]. In cities, where prices are slightly lower for housing continues to become Poles earning the national average (about 2.6 thousand. Zł per month). That is, among others Wroclaw, Gdynia and Katowice. But there are gigantic mortgages high: the average thickness exceeds 200 thousand. zł. "

"Few can afford the loan, why banks increasingly extend the maximum period of loan. They've even those that agree to 50 years repayment. Balancing on the border of credit, however, walk a tightrope. In case of interest rate increases will be paying the debt because the problems. "- Writes the Journal.

The fact that interest rates translate to the situation of the borrowers, preferably by the example of the United States. U.S. central bank began in 2005, a series of rate hikes rates [...]. According to the American Association of Mortgage Banks late last year, nearly every eighth house bought in the U.S. credit banks tried to take in response to the untimely payment of installments. Poland may result in a similar scenario [...]" - warn "Journal".

In the past year, housing prices in major Polish cities have increased by 100 percent. The records are beating the prices of apartments in major Polish cities. Entered into by the Poles loans suffice to buying a property with less size of the property than it was six months earlier. As reported by a few days ago, "Legal newspaper" iIlość square feet of possible acquisitions in the fourth quarter of 2006, using a mortgage that was an average of 46 sqm. It is about 20 percent. less than a year earlier.

more information in the "Official".

Under: Radoslaw Omachel, Journal /