Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kates Playground Comes


Approximate structure "Igloopolu" Debica in 1989:

- Centre Management and Development "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.
- Industrial Plants" Igloopol in Debica:
Department of Food Debica, Debica Metal Division, Department of Civil Engineering Debica; Cegielnie: Debica, Podborze, Department of Meat Pilsen .
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Dąbrownica:
Agricultural Plants: Teplice, Jelna, Piskorowice, Przychojec, Rzuchów.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol - Fermstal" in Dynów:
Agricultural Plants: Cats, Leszczawa, Lipa, Łodzinka, Malawa, Mielnów, alder, The Friday.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Horyniec:
Agricultural Plants: Dziewięcierz, Podemszczyzna, Radruż, Werchrata; Farm Niwki Horynieckie.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol - PEKTOWIN" in Jasło:
Agricultural Plants: Besko, Dukla, Kotan, Place Piastowe, Moderówka, Mszana, Ożenna, Wyszowatka, Department of Horticulture Gorajowice; Roof: Bóbrka, Szebnie , Equal, Zawadka Rymanowska, Glade, Jewish, Świątkowa.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Krakow:
Refrigerators: Kraków ul. Pan Tadeusz, Cracow ul. Dekert, Cracow-Bieżanów (under construction) Meat Plant Krakow, Krakow, Poland Department of Transportation, Department of Civil Engineering Krakow; Metal Skawina Department, Department of Nowa Huta, Brickyard Prospect; Agricultural Plants: Route, Will Batorska; Farm Dziewin.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Narol:
Agricultural Plants: Łaszczówka-Cologne, catching new and old fishing lines.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in New Selo:
Agricultural Plants: Chotylub, Gorajec, Lubliniec New Lubliniec old food on Holy Saturday.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Oleszyce:
Agricultural Plants: Lubomierz, Old Boars, Old Hamlet, Sucha Wola, Drier Zielonki new dike. (After the establishment of joint stock company decided to merge the four ZRP in the region: Horyniec, lecturer, New Selo, Oleszyce in one big ZRP - based in Oleszyce. Then from "Igloopolu" separated plants in New Selo).
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" in Rzeszow:
trucks Rzeszow, Agricultural Plants: Pogwizdów, Smolarzyny, Trzeboś, High Głogowska, Department of Industrial and Agricultural Kolbuszowa; Roof: Meadow, Krzemienica, Raniżów and Agricultural Plants : Bonarówka, Frysztak, Lutcza, trout, cherry, Roof: Kożuchów, Kalembina, High Strzyżowska, Żyznów; Distillery Cieszyn (after joining the existing facilities ZRP "Igloopol in Cherry to ZRP" Igloopol "Rzeszów in 1988).
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Sieniawie:
Agricultural Plants: Adamówka, Dobcza, Izabelin Lipowiec, Manasterz; Department of Metal Adamówka; Farm Mołodycz.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Smolnik:
Agricultural Plants: Black, Black Bottom, Marsh, Michniowiec, Skorodne, Tarnawa Niżna, Wołosate; Roof: Lutowiska, Polyana, Chrewt, Krywe,, cap, Nowosielce Kozicki; Label Lutowiska carbonated water.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" in Straszęcinie:
Betting Agricultural: beavers, Pustków, Trzciana, Radomysl Great, possessive, Zawada, thong, Department of Horticulture Gear, Roof: Sprouts, Ostrow, Zasów; Department of Metal Straszęcin (grouping all the faculties of metal all over ZRP) ; Gravel Grabiny.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Tarnów:
Temperature Tarnow; Dołęga Department, Agricultural Plants: Borzęcin, rats, Żabno, Radlna, Radłów, habitats; Farm Branches.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Chmielnik:
........................................ .................................................. .................................................. ...................
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Dwikozy:
Dwikozy trucks; Agricultural Plants: Cours, Wolka Wojnar, Department of Horticulture Stalowa Wola, distilleries: Ruda Church, Zaleszany.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Gdansk:
Plants Gardening: Dry Manor, Rekowo and individuals has so far included in the PUT "Technirol" in Gdansk, Wejherowo agricultural enterprises in Słuszewie.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Jedlińsk from / sw Radom:
Bets Food: Radom, Sucha; Agricultural Plants: birch, Policzna, Starosiedlice; Department of Metal Radom Radom Department of Commerce.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Tychy
Horticultural Plants: Tychy, Paczyna, Bory Malinowski; Agricultural Plants: Bieruń New Bieruń Old, DZIEĆKOWICE, Department of Civil Engineering Tychy, Sosnowiec Department of Commerce.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Tymbark:
Meat Plants: Nowy Sącz, Zakopane, Department of Civil Engineering Limanowa, Department of Agricultural Jodłownik; Brewery Szczyrzyc.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Warsaw:
Department of Horticulture Rules (the acquisition of the Horticultural Department in 1989, the existing Department of Commerce" Igloopol in Warsaw, Poland changed its name to ZRPH).
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Zielona Gora:
Breweries: Zielona Góra, Nowa Sol, Zary, Department of Building Green Mountain; Agricultural Plants: ..................
................................................ .................................................. ..............................
- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol in Goleszdw.
- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol" in Olkusz.
- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol" in Siedlce.
- Betting on Transport and Supply "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.
- Centre for Machine "Igloopol in Przysiekach.
- Bureau of Foreign Trade Igloopol in Warsaw.
- Department Stores "Igloopol in Debica.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Jaroslaw (with the Department of Building Roźwienica).
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Katowice.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Cracow.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in.
- Department Stores "Igloopol in Sanok.
- Investment Company "Igloopol" in Szczecin.

A Labelled Diagram Of A Marine Ship


Some metal products:

Seedbed preparation "Igloopol" Source: Brochure "Agroma" 1989-1990

sprayer "Igloopol" P080 (volume 2 thousand. L, beam 18 m), producer: Machine Center Przysieki

plate sprayer

Trailer "Igloopol" D-732

Głębosze "Igloopol "Producer: Plants Agro-Industrial "Igloopol" Rzeszów - Branch High Głogowska; Source: "News" 77/1987; "Igloopol" głęboszy produce three types - two 5-and 7-tooth dental

car insulated " Igloopol P-29 "(A Beetle chassis 1334B) Manufacturer: Department of Metal" Igloopol "Debica, source:" AUTO - Automotive Technology, "5 / 1990

refrigerated car" Igloopol P-38 "(Star Chassis A-200) Manufacturer: Department of Metal" Igloopol "Debica

car with a cooler accumulation "Igloopol P-44" (A Beetle chassis 1336B) Manufacturer: Department of Metal "Igloopol" Debica

Semi-Refrigeration "Igloopol N-16" (chassis ZREMB D-18) Refrigeration and car "Igloopol P-53" (Jelcz chassis 415) to a trailer refrigeration "Igloopol P-15 (chassis Autosan D-616) Manufacturer: Department of Metal" Igloopol "Debica, source: AUTO - Automotive Technology, "5 / 1990

refrigerated car" Igloopol P-55 (chassis Liaz 110-020); producer: Department of Metal "Igloopol" Debica, source: "AUTO - Automotive Technology," 5 / 1990

tankers to transport beer "Igloopol P-35" (chassis Liaz 110-020); producer: Department of Metal "Igloopol" Debica, source: "AUTO - Automotive Technology," 5 / 1990

Advertising Department of Metal "Igloopolu "in Debica posted in the monthly" AUTO - Automotive Technology "at issue in which the article appeared a self-produced in the cold "Igloopolu"

fans, producer: Plants Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Olkusz

Nameplate Fan

Sample Cover Letter For A Trainee Dental Nurse

Some foods:

Fruit wines (labels from the bottles), producer: Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol - PEKTOWIN" Jasło

; fizzy orange drink "Ptyś" (bottle of drink with an intact label); producer: Department of Lead Debica

wielosmakowe Ice "Igloopol", Manufacturer: Department Lead Debica

Sparkling water (bottle label), producer: Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" Smolnik - Major carbonated water Lutowiska

full light beer (bottle label), producer: Plants Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" Zielona Gora - Breweries Nowa Sol, Zary

Maxine Cartoon About Coughing


Kombinat Agricultural Industry Igloopol Debica - XXV Years Cold store in Dwikozy (1979 XXV anniversary jublileusz cold which became part of newly formed Dębica Combine)

Another pennant issued on this occasion

Kombinat Agricultural Industry Igloopol Debica

Agro-Industrial Combine Igloopol Debica

Kombinat Agro-Industrial Igloopol Debica / Ensemble Igloopol

Popular Sports Igloopol Debica / Agro-Industrial Combine Igloopol Debica

Popular Sports Igloopol Straszęcin / Farm Igloopol Straszęcin

Popular Sports Igloopol Straszecin / Agro-Industrial Plants Igloopol Straszęcin

Inter Popular Sports Igloopol Kolbuszowa / Agro-Industrial Plants Igloopol Rzeszow

wydnany Medal at the 10th anniversary of the KRP "Igloopol"

How To Remove Odor From Window Blinds

ARCHIVE PHOTOS, etc., etc.

looked like monthlies "Igloopol" (black and white photocopy of the first page of one of the numbers)

Vans from the Pavilion Shopping "Igloopol in D ę bica Street. factory; "Igloopol" wrzesień/1988, author: Roman frieze

Postcard from Debica: Office Building Agro-Industrial Combine "Igloopol" estate "Igloopol" Moreover: the school musical passage City

spraying of triticale in the Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" to month, "Life of Przemysl," 44/1986, by Robert Pawlowski

Action "Igloopolu" ; dividend paid only once - for the second half of 1989 (so a coupon was used)

Ideas For Facebook Prof Pic


Title: "Igloopol yesterday, today and tomorrow", authors: Michael Cosmas, Krzysztof Zielinski, the year of publication: 1988;


unconventional I. Example 5
II. In the deep background of 10
III. At the beginning there was ... 14
IV. Sketch for a Portrait 1919
V. Earth back in 1924
VI. Going to the top 29
VII. Factories in agriculture 33
VIII. Without intermediaries, 36
IX. Let's talk about money 39
X. Crew 43
XI. On page 52 employee
XII. Fitting to the future 58
XIII. Attempting Fusion 63

Title: "Agro-Industrial Combine in Debica" author: Anthony Jarosz, year of publication: 1988;



Chapter I
KOMBINAT agro-industrial "Igloopol" The region of SOUTH-EASTERN POLISH 7
first Characteristics of macro-region of south-east and the territorial coverage of the Combine 7
second Genesis of the creation and scope of the Agro-Industrial Combine "Igloopol" 12
third The organizational structure and management of the Combine 17

Chapter II
raw material base for agro-food industry KRP "Igloopol" in Debica 23
first Combine your own raw material base for the production of frozen fruits and vegetables 23
second Difficulties in the commodity production of frozen fruits and vegetables 42

Chapter III
first Agricultural production in 1955
a / Crop production 60
b / Animal Production 66
c / Processing Agricultural and feed consumption of 89
second 93 Auxiliary Production

Chapter IV
KOMBINAT agro-industrial "Igloopol" in Debica AS A FOOD MANUFACTURER 100
first Assortment of food supply refrigeration companies in Poland 100
second Comparison of volume of production KRP "Igloopol in Debica in relation to other food plants 107
third Description of the food production line 113
4th The size of total food production in the various cold KRP "Igloopol for the years 1981-1986 131

Chapter V
first The quality of food produced, the criteria 145
second New and upgraded products in the food industry 148
third Packaging, forms, types and needs 150

Chapter VI
first Sales of food products by cold Combine 161
second Sales of agricultural production with agro-industrial 171
a / sale of plant products 173
b / Production and sale of livestock and milk 175
c / Production and sale of wool and honey 187
third Sizes exports Combine 188
4th Commercial activities 201

Chapter VII
first The employment and wage bill 205
second The degree of capital to implement the system of remuneration in the Combine 221
third The activities of household socio-, cultural and sporting 225

Chapter VIII
KEY ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND FINANCIAL in combination agro-industrial "Igloopol" in Debica 233
1. Fixed assets and productivity of 233
second Working capital loans, stocks and subsidies 237
third The financing of investment activities 248
4th Extraordinary losses and gains 254
5th Profitability and financial results of 259


291 301 APPENDIX

Title: "Relationship of agriculture with industry"; years Release: 1988;


Neuro Yako Jabberwocky

Photographs of various remnants of the KRP "Igloopol in Debica:

persons Debica. Solar (tarasowce Street. 3-go Maja).

Gate Stadium "Igloopol in Debica.

Elevation sports facilities "Igloopolu" in Debica adjacent to the House of Culture, "Walrus."

Excerpt House of Sport "Igloopol in Debica.

former office building Igloopolu in Straszęcinie (out of a psychiatric hospital.)
One of the gateways into the ancient Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.

brick used to build this gateway is also the article "Igloopolu.

Ruined Farm in ZRP Straszęcin.

residue Polish map of the selected department stores, "Igloopolu" on the wall of the former Pavilion Shopping and Service "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.

Former Restaurant Igloopol in Straszęcinie, which was located in the same pavilion. In addition to the restaurant in the complex also acted Bakery "Igloopol.

gate to the former Department Agricultural Bobrowa after "Igloopolu" acted instantly Agricultural Production Cooperative, but it was closed.

Igloopol inscription on the gate of the former Department of Agricultural Pustków.

harvester Bizon Z056, which in times of "Igloopolu" worked at the Department of Agricultural Borzęcin.

Side Marking combine: United betting Igloopol Debica SA Agro-Industrial Plants in Tarnów in Borzęcin Agricultural Department.

old ad "Igloopolu" at the bus stop near Tarnow.

Former Department of Agricultural "Igloopol in Wola Batorska.

fragment of the former Department of Agriculture "Igloopol" in High Głogowska.

Base silo at the former Department of Agricultural "Igloopol in Smolarzynach. Currently Smolarzynach the greater part of the farm was the site of a factory producing furniture.

old gate at the Department of Kolbuszowa, after removing "Igloopolu" on the basis of this plant was "Kolnil", which is now also no longer exists. Underneath you can still discern the traces of the letters Igloopol.

Agricultural part of the "Igloopolu" Kolbuszowa - holding the Świerczowie (Kolbuszowa side view).

gate holding Świerczowie.

fragment of the former Department of Agriculture "Igloopol in Cherry Red.

Snowflake - Dębica trademark of the Combine.

Former Farm "Igloopol in Kalembinie.

Kalembina - the unfinished building for livestock.

Former Department of Agricultural "Igloopol" in Frysztak (viewed from the Lower Glinik). After "Igloopolu" for a short time to work there, "Rolpeh" who took over the reach of all farms "Igloopolu" from the region Strzyżów.

Former Department of Agricultural "Igloopol in trout.

Abandoned Farm Sheep "Igloopol" in High Strzyżowskiej.

gate of the former Department of Agriculture "Igloopol in Bonarówce.

former Gate Farms "Igloopol in Żyznowie.

Żyznów - derelict site fattening.

Fattening No. 1

interior of the building weight cars.

ejected from the farm work diaries Bonarówka.

dilapidated silos in Żyznowie.

Former Department of Agricultural "Igloopol" Lutcza.

Bets Agro-Industrial "Igloopol" to month - a branch of Dobczy (farm gate array).

One of the two Bison Z056 which are left after the ZRP "Igloopol" to month.

Designation side.

Two combine harvesters - the remains of the ZRP "Igloopol in Oleszyce; oleszyckie ZRP held 21 combine harvesters.

indication side combine Bizon-Record.

gate of the former Department of Agriculture "Igloopol" at Piastowe.

gate of the former Department of Agriculture "Igloopol in Besku (visible trace of the letters Igloopol .)

One of the barns and silos battery.

Incomplete three residential blocks at the farm in Besku.

fragment of the former Department Agricultural "Igloopol in Dukla (Cergowa). Photo provided Jasiek.

Dukla - abandoned office holding. Photo provided Jasiek.

Fodder Processing Plant at the Department of Agricultural "Igloopol in Mszana. photo provided Jasiek.

rusting sign on the former Plant aerated waters "Igloopol" in Lutowiska.

Combine the old Z056 Department of Agricultural Malawa belonging to the ZRP "Igloopol - Fermstal in Dynów.

Side Marking: Agro-Industrial Plants Igloopol Fermstal in Dynów Agricultural Department in Malawi.

Bizon Z050, who formerly worked in the Plant Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Tychy.

Designation side.

Z056 Combine the old Plant Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Chmielnik.

Designation side.