Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kates Playground Comes


Approximate structure "Igloopolu" Debica in 1989:

- Centre Management and Development "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.
- Industrial Plants" Igloopol in Debica:
Department of Food Debica, Debica Metal Division, Department of Civil Engineering Debica; Cegielnie: Debica, Podborze, Department of Meat Pilsen .
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Dąbrownica:
Agricultural Plants: Teplice, Jelna, Piskorowice, Przychojec, Rzuchów.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol - Fermstal" in Dynów:
Agricultural Plants: Cats, Leszczawa, Lipa, Łodzinka, Malawa, Mielnów, alder, The Friday.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Horyniec:
Agricultural Plants: Dziewięcierz, Podemszczyzna, Radruż, Werchrata; Farm Niwki Horynieckie.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol - PEKTOWIN" in Jasło:
Agricultural Plants: Besko, Dukla, Kotan, Place Piastowe, Moderówka, Mszana, Ożenna, Wyszowatka, Department of Horticulture Gorajowice; Roof: Bóbrka, Szebnie , Equal, Zawadka Rymanowska, Glade, Jewish, Świątkowa.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Krakow:
Refrigerators: Kraków ul. Pan Tadeusz, Cracow ul. Dekert, Cracow-Bieżanów (under construction) Meat Plant Krakow, Krakow, Poland Department of Transportation, Department of Civil Engineering Krakow; Metal Skawina Department, Department of Nowa Huta, Brickyard Prospect; Agricultural Plants: Route, Will Batorska; Farm Dziewin.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Narol:
Agricultural Plants: Łaszczówka-Cologne, catching new and old fishing lines.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in New Selo:
Agricultural Plants: Chotylub, Gorajec, Lubliniec New Lubliniec old food on Holy Saturday.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Oleszyce:
Agricultural Plants: Lubomierz, Old Boars, Old Hamlet, Sucha Wola, Drier Zielonki new dike. (After the establishment of joint stock company decided to merge the four ZRP in the region: Horyniec, lecturer, New Selo, Oleszyce in one big ZRP - based in Oleszyce. Then from "Igloopolu" separated plants in New Selo).
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" in Rzeszow:
trucks Rzeszow, Agricultural Plants: Pogwizdów, Smolarzyny, Trzeboś, High Głogowska, Department of Industrial and Agricultural Kolbuszowa; Roof: Meadow, Krzemienica, Raniżów and Agricultural Plants : Bonarówka, Frysztak, Lutcza, trout, cherry, Roof: Kożuchów, Kalembina, High Strzyżowska, Żyznów; Distillery Cieszyn (after joining the existing facilities ZRP "Igloopol in Cherry to ZRP" Igloopol "Rzeszów in 1988).
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Sieniawie:
Agricultural Plants: Adamówka, Dobcza, Izabelin Lipowiec, Manasterz; Department of Metal Adamówka; Farm Mołodycz.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Smolnik:
Agricultural Plants: Black, Black Bottom, Marsh, Michniowiec, Skorodne, Tarnawa Niżna, Wołosate; Roof: Lutowiska, Polyana, Chrewt, Krywe,, cap, Nowosielce Kozicki; Label Lutowiska carbonated water.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol" in Straszęcinie:
Betting Agricultural: beavers, Pustków, Trzciana, Radomysl Great, possessive, Zawada, thong, Department of Horticulture Gear, Roof: Sprouts, Ostrow, Zasów; Department of Metal Straszęcin (grouping all the faculties of metal all over ZRP) ; Gravel Grabiny.
- Agro-Industrial Plants "Igloopol in Tarnów:
Temperature Tarnow; Dołęga Department, Agricultural Plants: Borzęcin, rats, Żabno, Radlna, Radłów, habitats; Farm Branches.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Chmielnik:
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- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Dwikozy:
Dwikozy trucks; Agricultural Plants: Cours, Wolka Wojnar, Department of Horticulture Stalowa Wola, distilleries: Ruda Church, Zaleszany.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Gdansk:
Plants Gardening: Dry Manor, Rekowo and individuals has so far included in the PUT "Technirol" in Gdansk, Wejherowo agricultural enterprises in Słuszewie.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Jedlińsk from / sw Radom:
Bets Food: Radom, Sucha; Agricultural Plants: birch, Policzna, Starosiedlice; Department of Metal Radom Radom Department of Commerce.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Tychy
Horticultural Plants: Tychy, Paczyna, Bory Malinowski; Agricultural Plants: Bieruń New Bieruń Old, DZIEĆKOWICE, Department of Civil Engineering Tychy, Sosnowiec Department of Commerce.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Tymbark:
Meat Plants: Nowy Sącz, Zakopane, Department of Civil Engineering Limanowa, Department of Agricultural Jodłownik; Brewery Szczyrzyc.
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol in Warsaw:
Department of Horticulture Rules (the acquisition of the Horticultural Department in 1989, the existing Department of Commerce" Igloopol in Warsaw, Poland changed its name to ZRPH).
- Betting Agro-Industry and Commerce "Igloopol" in Zielona Gora:
Breweries: Zielona Góra, Nowa Sol, Zary, Department of Building Green Mountain; Agricultural Plants: ..................
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- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol in Goleszdw.
- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol" in Olkusz.
- Plants Industry and Trade, "Igloopol" in Siedlce.
- Betting on Transport and Supply "Igloopol in Straszęcinie.
- Centre for Machine "Igloopol in Przysiekach.
- Bureau of Foreign Trade Igloopol in Warsaw.
- Department Stores "Igloopol in Debica.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Jaroslaw (with the Department of Building Roźwienica).
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Katowice.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in Cracow.
- Department Stores "Igloopol" in.
- Department Stores "Igloopol in Sanok.
- Investment Company "Igloopol" in Szczecin.


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