Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crossbox Bardage Cg Architectes

So he learned that you can do bazillion dollars into the Internet. Like me, you probably spent a wonderful amount of this objective. Like me, you probably have not made much, probably not even broken even yet.

When I started, everything was just wonderful, one after the other party had promised me that if I bought the program and followed their instructions prices will train in. Of course, I bought a program (how to build a website, first I think), maybe $ 97 - can not remember now , and rapidly enough to build the crap I learned html page looking. Soon I found out I could spend more money and just buy the templates from which at least slightly less crappy looking than mine. I do not remember if my first templates for the cost but has since spent more money on even more crap templates. My website has gotten less crappy looking directly proportional to my empty wallet.

Yes, the templates installed I straightened up and waited for the cash roll in we had an extensive collection of Ebooks and sales system, of course, always a popular topic. Ebooks explained other soon-rich marketing Ebooks and Internet sales on the Internet makes them rich. Ebooks are delivered by a guy I bought the first crappy templates. He assured me that I can resell their books and make a killing. I assured my guests that they can make a killing selling Ebooks as I did when I bought the Ebook. This is what is known as affiliate marketing - a system of brick to make money without doing any work. I would make 50 percent of sales, 60 percent could not remember, but it does not matter as I never sold an Ebook. It does not contain a penny for Adsense either. Apparently you can set up a crappy site and is not seeking her time Ebooks brick and well show AdSense ads and still make money! The problem seems to be that nobody bothers to explore my website from a small pool of 2 billion web pages or other such crappy sales Ebooks and AdSense ads.

Glamour ... what gives. It would be simple. It is also not the type of loser who can be quickly and cheaply, I decided that I had to spend more money and pay for the placement of Google ads all over the world to cyber direct all buyers will Ebook and AdSense clickers to my crappy little site. This is known as AdWords ad, and close to what I know Google makes it a gazillion U.S. dollars off the trick of get rich quick guys like me. I can not say, spent more than $ 1,000, but God is working! Suddenly I had people browse my site - a man - I mean Google oops! Yes, my $ 1,000 has brought me at least several hundred people who worked for about 5 dollars per head. The only problem was that these people do not understand the concept of clicking on my Adword ad in order to come to my site and give me a crappy little money. Buggers just stopped, and then to the left. 2 of them, fortunately, click on one of Google's AdSense and politely asks me 3 cents for my trouble. It was great because I left the investment in this get rich quick business, to $ 999.97, which I feel better loads.

half assed losers would be no end. Not me, though ... This became a challenge and I'm bound and decided to prove that I can become the biggest loser of all. It seemed that just do not spend enough money to get rich quick yet. I set change it.

Brief digression ...

is part of my sales pitch, where he'll tell you what this site is all about. If you know the routine too much pretty crappy websites. This is one in which I will say this review site, and to me is such a nice guy, I'm going to tell you what sites to avoid and how to do it with a good heart, and then in the end, even with a good heart I'm going to mention that I found some programs that really truly honest to God's work. Fair to those sites close to God will have a link that you click that only by chance, have a number of partnership with them, that even just by chance, happens to be my affiliate number, and fortunately he wanted, that you will help me get rich quick, because I'm such a good person and warn of all the bad guys out there. This is my plan. I just have not found anything worth telling about yourself ... but when I do, be careful because I'll be everything you have. You have been warned.

At this time I thought I would just say to all the crap out there that will not be rich - it's fast or otherwise. Why? Well first of all because I'm mischievous bastard and I want to come back at all those suckers who took the money. Can I ruin at least one of their lives will be worth all the cash, I hemorrhaged. You can even pick up a few pieces of useful info in this process. Nothing that will make you rich (I'd like to keep to myself that if I knew everyone), but maybe a few tips that will save you money. Another reason is that I have a plan for a brick that I need you to help me with this one probably will not make us rich, but to piss off a lot of Internet Guru and it is certainly a worthy goal. More about This, if I do not run out of steam.

end of digression ...

So, where was I? Oh yes, I had to spend more money to get rich quickly. The first step was more on my website without Google more money. I read an article in Forbes magazine or any other pretentious coffee table set out the Google guys have been loaded, really loaded and I really just do not want to add more weight to them to hire more people to count everything in cash. Bastards. Yes, I am jealous, as well as malicious bastard.

How You can get more people to their site without spending gobs of cash? There are several methods and remember them for the transition, but whatever you do - do not use them! You probably saw or heard about websites or how to generate traffic adhits Traffic Swarm and the like. These seats shall be rotated ads for your websites. Membership is free. Why not say to use them? Simply put ... They do not work. For sure you will need to demonstrate that the site hundreds or even thousands of other people. The problem is that all these other people are members just like you and are not interested in this site any more than you're interested in their side. It would be great if we all click on the ads and bought something, or at least click on AdSense ads. One, however, this is not a complete waste of time. Other reasons does not do it that Google does not like this method of advertising and if they catch you they ban you for life. I will eventually get caught, since it seems that the market all sewn up the computer whiz kids. Apparently billions in pocket money can buy you the best talent. Several sell outs if you ask me.

best way to get free traffic is to write articles and stick them on or any of the other pages of the article. The reason is simple. Send you a link to your website at the bottom of the article. It's not two things for you. The first can get traffic, if someone reading the article click on link to see what your site is all about. The best reason, however, is that the articles can be downloaded and used on other websites that will give you both the motion and, more importantly link pointing to your website. The more people who put the article on your website means more backlinks. More mirrors have a higher Google Page Rank will be. The higher the page rank the higher the position in the search engines, and if it on the first page of Google for your keyword then you will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Let's back up a bit as I just threw a lot of things for you. What the hell I'm babbling about. Keywords? Page Rank? Search engines? Links from the back? I said that I spent more money in my attempts to get rich. These are the kinds of things that I spent in search of money for something called SEO, or challenged the acronym "Search Engine Optimization search engine positioning." This is your lucky day, because I'm going to give the benefit of my newly gained knowledge and expensive for free. Allows you to stay here and raise a new post called "SEO".


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