Youth Creativity Memodivikasi Motor
modivikasi motors are now beginning to bloom. This is Going to the outposts village. This unique Indonesia, where the motor meModivikasi not be from the New Motor still sleek. Motor Jadul aka Lama, the magic can be a motor that keliahatan like new and shiny. Kalo in Developed Countries, Motor Active Period it was there, Jiaaaah, rich Toll-aja. kalo dah abis her period, yes exiled to another country. But in Indonesia, this could So Antiques.
For Professionals Modivikator, conjure magic motors are not things that are familiar, aka lightly. Did not take long to work on it.
Well, this time I will discuss about Modivikasi Motor Starter. I am interested to discuss it here because my friend is a young man who just graduated from elementary school. But with the shortcomings that, He has a persistence. One time, he was asked to modify Jialing Motor. With makeshift equipment capitalize, slowly but surely he began to work on it.
First, Body which he worked on, he began to lower the engine and the legs shockbeker alias, which is rather high Jialing He made so Ceper. painting done himself with pickup compressor, which in use is pilok and paint. He continues to overhaul its own match semampunya.Karburator He had replaced pake RX-KING.
Jialing Machine is in the paint also
Problem carburetor, initially He's just try aja pake Filing Him. Carburetor
After all finished installed, this is the result.
Full Body
time setting, not half-hearted, He asked that the opponent ama nyeting Jialingnya Knight. The next day nantangin RX-KING He got me, bad result jg. Early START, Jialing ngacir at the front, but after 100 meters, the RX-KING I can catch up, until the final result turned out Imbang FINISH.
Recently, he was again working on a classified HONDA STAR Antiques also, alias Jadul. Still does not yet know how the outcome. See the picture below.
Hopefully this could be a picture bwat The Starter Modivikator, to trigger your creativity. Do not despair, do not give up, move on the children of Indonesia.
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